

Tiger Tigress Productions, also known as TTP, called on Group Incorporated to design and budget a multi-city tour for a Discovery Channel pilot series called “Pop Nation.” The series, reminiscent of the popular “Antiques Road Show,” focused on pop-culture collecting, inviting participants to “turn that post-60s stuff into cash and take a trip down memory lane.” The series features colorful characters of pop-culture collecting and provides a showcase for attic treasures and a forum for sellers and appraisers.

What TTP needed from Group Inc was the creation, on a tight budget, of a scalable, movable event that could accommodate anywhere from 100 to 3,000 people. We came up with a broadcast-quality production design and implemented the four-city, cross-country tour – managing lighting, show flow, staffing and logistical details – to allow TTP to concentrate on the editorial aspects and ensure that the shows met the high standards of Discovery Channel.

The “Pop Nation” road events were informational and fun, while serving as the starting point for a new high-definition television program.

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